January 25, 2012

Basic Buttercream


Vanilla slab cake to celebrate a Christian school anniversary. Decorated entirely with buttercream icing.

January 15, 2012

Baby Shower "Rubber Duckies"



This cake was for a baby shower for a new little boy. Rainbow chip cake with a large helping of vanilla buttercream topped with marshmallow fondant. Duckies on the sides are made with coloured chocolates. That is something I havent done in years. Rubber duckie on top is make from marshmallow fondant as well.

January 4, 2012

Cupcake of the Month- Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes


After sampling a cupcake or two, I concluded that this is my new favourite cupcake. Guinness chocolate cupcake, Irish whiskey ganache topped with Baileys Irish cream. Does it get any better?